Holiday season

After cycling out of Nouakchott, the capital of Mauritania, I made great progress towards the Senegalese border. I arrived just in time for the holiday season to start and meet up with my friends in Dakar!

The last desert days

I was quite eager getting out of the boring desert after my rest day in Nouakchott. The landscape was starting to shift very subtle towards the end of my trip in Mauritania and I started to see bushes, grass and an occasional tree! It’s great to start seeing this green landscape again and as I get closer to the Senegalese border I get off the main road into the Diawling national park. Mainly to avoid a river crossing where I couldn’t cross the border human powered. In this park there’s more “green” and more animals to see and I feel relieved to be entering Senegal!

Another country!

Crossing the border here is fairly easy and I enter my 6th country on the way to Kilimanjaro! Senegal is greener and offers immediately different sights. There’s more people around with more villages so I don’t need to carry so much water anymore. I stick to the plan of heading to the east of Senegal. It gets really hot here during the daytime, mainly because there’s nog cooling effect from the nearby ocean. I try to keep up with at least 150km a day because I want to get in time in Dakar. I feel like I could use some rest and I want to see my friends, I’ve been alone on the road for some weeks now. The 29th as well my girlfriend will arrive to spend some holidays together. I’m looking forward to all that, except for the visa runs around Dakar..

After getting into the east of Senegal, I’m now in Dakar for 2 weeks, the rest will do me good! Happy holidays you all!

Many thanks to the sponsors who make this all possible!!!

and thanks for the great support!